
Thousands of Churches Partner to Reach Zambia with the Gospel

by Karen Faulkner, Worthy News Correspondent

(Worthy News) – The US-based evangelistic Luis Palau Association partnered with 4,900 churches to hold a three-day Gospel festival in Zambia that reached nearly half a million people, Christian Daily International.

Founded more than 60 years ago to “proclaim the Good News, unite the Church, and impact cities worldwide,” the Luis Palau Association shares the Gospel through, among other things, hosting evangelistic festivals to share the Good News in cities around the world.

This year, following five months of groundwork featuring Gospel events held by the Association and its partner churches at local prisons, medical clinics, sports clinics, school outreaches, and more, the three-day Gospel festival was held in Zambia’s capital city of Lusaka.

Titled the Love Zambia Festival, the event took place at the National Heroes Stadium between September 13-15, CDI reports.

“It was such a receptive group (the inmates),” evangelist Andrew Palau attests in a post on the Luis Palau Facebook page. They are engaged in the Gospel message and actively dancing to the worship music. These crowds can be tough, but in this group, you could feel a sense of joy as they laughed and joked, fully tuned in to the message.”

The Zambia initiative reportedly reached more than 374,900 people in person with the Good News and led more than 154,600 people toward a personal commitment to Jesus Christ, CDI said.

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